The labor and delivery of a baby is no small feat, especially when you consider the effort it takes for a mother to get through it. There are multiple biochemical and hormonal reactions occurring inside the mother and the baby, while the baby is also undergoing physical changes in order to function outside his or her mother's womb. When medical professionals cause additional and unnecessary harm, it adds to the trauma of birth. If you are wondering if your injuries or your baby's injuries fall under any type of lawsuit, they do. Here are two subtypes of birth-related injuries, why you can sue for them, and how.

Birth-Related Injuries to You

All of the usual pain and injuries associated with childbirth aside, you should not have to undergo any procedures which cause you additional harm. For example, if you do not want a C-section or an epidural, you should not be coerced into having either. Women (and some men) already argue for women's rights to their own bodies before conception, during early-term pregnancies and before or during an abortion. You still maintain those personal rights and boundaries during childbirth, so any doctor who performs surgery on you or administers medications you do not want, or administers medications that cause you to have a violent allergic reaction (unbeknownst to anyone of course), it all falls under "birth injuries" and malpractice law.

Birth-Related Injuries to Your Baby

Birth-related injuries to your baby include the forcible use of a forceps and/or a vacuum extractors. Metal forceps enter the vagina and grab both sides of your baby's head while widening the birth canal and rotating the baby out until he or she is face down so that the neonatal fluid can exit his or her lungs. A vacuum extractor suctions to the top of your baby's head and pulls your baby out of the birth canal. Both have been found to cause injury to babies' heads and brains, which have several soft and open spots between the bony fontanels that make up babies' heads. Additionally, the twisting motion can cause injury to a baby's neck and spine. All of these contribute to problems now and in the later stages of child development.

Why You Can Sue and How

All of the above procedures need to be pre-approved by you before a doctor can use them. When you do not approve or you are coerced into making split second decisions while lying in pain on a delivery room table, that all counts as malpractice, and you can sue the doctors, nurses, and hospital for their actions. Consult with a malpractice and birth injury lawyer in order to get your case started right away, because your injuries and/or your baby's injuries need to be well-documented before your lawyer can move ahead with your case.

For birth injury lawyers, click on this link or do an online search. 
