When you hop in your car in the morning to go about your day, the last thing you anticipate is that you will be in a car accident. However, in spite of the unexpected and upsetting nature of being in such an accident, you should be sure that you are always prepared in case such a situation occurs. In order to properly protect yourself and to know when you may need to contact a car accident attorney, you need to be sure that you take a few specific steps. Get to know these steps and always be prepared.
Accept the Assistance of EMTs and Emergency Care Services
If the accident is serious enough that you feel any pain, even if it is only slight bruising or aching, you should absolutely accept the assistance of the EMTs on the scene and any recommendations that you go to the emergency room or urgent care. The refusal of care at the site of the accident could cause you problems later with your auto insurance, health insurance, and in any legal issues that may occur.
Should you refuse care but later need medical care as a result of the accident, your insurance could refuse to pay, leaving you with lofty medical bills. So be sure to protect your health and your finances by accepting medical care on-site whether you think you need it or not.
Be Sure to Document Everything
Assuming you are not severely injured or incapable of coherent thought after the accident, you should not leave it to another person to keep track of everything at the accident. You will want to document everything yourself as well as allowing the police officers to collect statements and photographs of the damage to your vehicle.
If you have a phone capable of taking photos or videos, do so at the scene. Also jot down the other party's name, insurance information, and license plate number. All of this information will be important in insurance claims as well as any court cases you may be involved in following the accident.
Contact an Attorney If There Are Obvious Disputes
At the scene of the accident, an officer will assess the situation and document the statements of both parties and witnesses. In so doing, they will often assess blame to one party or the other for the accident.
If there is any dispute about the facts of the accident or who is actually to blame, you will want to contact a car accident attorney as soon as possible. Whether you are disputing the police report or the other party is, a dispute will often mean a court case and you will need the assistance of an attorney in such instances.
Now that you know what to do if you are in an accident, you can act quickly and effectively when necessary. Click here for more info about getting help from a car accident attorney.